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Services We Offer

Pain Management,
Women’s Health,
Hereditary Diseases Management,
Cancer Genomics Testing

COVID-19 Testing

Now Available Near You

Coronavirus Crisis

Coronavirus Infodemic
In times of mass hysteria and fear of taking a misstep in the global COVID-19 fight, we turn to select few reliable sources


We are ready to serve…equipped with latest technologies
CLIA certified and licensed through state and federal authorities
Centrally located near Cypress community center
Over 40 years of in house expertise
PCR Test 24-48 hours, 99% accurate, detects current Infection
Best to know if you have Coronavirus and whether showing symptoms or not.
Antibody 24-48 hours, 99% accurate, previous infection immunity for future.
Best for knowing if a person now has some immunity against COVID-19

Expert Scientists.
Professional Care.

Skilled, certified, qualified staff
Professional care
On site draw station
curbside testing

Our Services.

We are expanding rapidly, and our services are also growing.

Currently we offer testing for the following areas:

Viral Medium

Infectious Disease (ID)

Pain Management

Hereditary Disease Diagnosis

Women’s Health

(833) Nova Lab (668-2522)

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We are available to serve our community
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Call Us

(833) 668-2522

Our Location

2001 E. First St
Suite 109
Santa Ana
CA 92705
CLIA #: 05D0871568

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